Objectives to sustainable development

 Objectives to sustainable development

 What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are: Eradicate poverty in all its forms throughout the world. End hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. Guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for everyone at all ages.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are:
1. Eradicate poverty in all its forms throughout the world.


2. Protecting natural resources.

3. Changing unsustainable production and consumption patterns.


the importance of these points is vital for the present and the future, a social and mental change is necessary. For these reasons we must create a small change starting with the family sphere.

how will people in this century achieve the three objetives to sustainable development?. 

People must start with their personal habits, then making these changes in small groups of people, so that as a consequence of this, the rulers are the ones who legislate in favor of sustainable development, making it something easier to execute.
